Summer! The question I see most asked on social media is what's the weather like where you live? My answer is I live in Oklahoma where the summers are always hot and humid. I'm not a summer person, the heat and I do not get along, so I avoid it as much as possible. The reason, mostly because I have multiple sclerosis, so having MS does not play well together. It is what it is! lol

One response I try to remember to respond to someone who says something about how hot it is and almost unbearable. (Temps can reach as high as 105 here in this great state. Anyway, my response is "Yes, it is hot! I'm so glad I know Jesus and I don't have to spend eternity in hell where it never goes away."  I've gotten a range of responses from "Amen", to "I've never thought about it that way" to looks that "Is she cuckoo or is she for real". 

Regardless of the response, one can't change the truth about eternity. Either one is saved by God's grace or one who isn't.
Those saved-their eternity is Heaven.
Those who aren't - their eternity is Hell.

Do you know Jesus?
email me and I'll be happy to introduce you to HIM!
He'll change your life!



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