MY THOUGHTS: A bit of a different outlook on the Amish way of life. I liked how the author elaborated on Priscilla's rumspringa and the different ways of English life she is exposed to. Through it all, her Amish upbringing keeps her solid in doing what is right. She struggles with whether to be baptized into the Amish faith as does her boyfriend. This story was great in that it shows how Priscilla struggles with doing what God wants her do and not just what her family wants. It reminded me that regardless of what faith you are, Amish or non-Amish. We all struggle with decisions where we seek God's way and finding the answer isn't always quick or easy. I also was glad to see Priscilla and her father bond over what a talent they both share is finally brought out in the open. A sweet story anyone will love to read. Blessings, Karen Rating: 5* I received the book as a gift and all opinions are my own. ...