Stone Creek, Michigan, April, 1901 — Maggie Galloway and Thomas Harper clash after their sons collide in a fistfight. Both widowed, they’re each doing their best as single-parents. Outgoing Maggie has dreams for a home of her own and a business to provide for her son as she searches for God’s path for her life as a widow. Reserved Thomas struggles to establish his new pharmacy and take care of his four rambunctious children, while wondering how a loving God could take his beloved wife.

When Thomas becomes deathly ill, Maggie is recruited to nurse him back to health. Taking the children in hand, as well, is more than she bargained for, but she is drawn to help the grieving family. Both nurse and patient find themselves drawn to each other but promptly deny their feelings. 

A baking contest sponsored by the Silver Leaf Flour Company brings former beau, Giles Prescott, back into Maggie’s life. When Giles offers Maggie a position at their test kitchen in Chicago, he hints that, along with assuring her a good job, it will allow them to possibly rekindle their relationship. 

But then a charlatan comes to town, and tragedy soon follows. Maggie and Thomas discover the miracle potions he hawks aren’t so harmless when an epidemic hits Stone Creek. Thomas and Maggie realize they must work together to save lives.

Maggie finds herself caught up in battles within and without—the battle to help the townsfolk in the midst of illness and chicanery, and the battle to know which man—Thomas or Giles—deserves to win her heart. 

About Kathleen Rouser
Author Bio: Kathleen Rouser has loved making up stories since she was a little girl. Her debut novella, "The Pocket Watch," is part of Brave New Century, a Christian historical romance anthology, published in 2013 by Prism Book Group (Inspired Romance). Her short story, "Special Assignment" was part of the Amazon bestseller, Christmas Treasures. Kathleen has also been published in Homeschool Digest, An Encouraging Word, and Happy Sis magazines. She contributes regularly to Novel PASTimes, a blog devoted to promoting mainly Christian historical fiction and to the Heroes, Heroines, and History blog. She is a long time member in good standing of ACFW and a former board member of its Great Lakes Chapter.

Kathleen's first full-length novel, Rumors and Promises, was published by Heritage Beacon Fiction, an imprint of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, in April, 2016.

A former homeschool instructor, Community Bible Study children's teacher, and mild-mannered dental assistant, she lives in Michigan with her hero and husband of 34 years, Jack, who not only listens to her stories, but also cooks for her. They have been blessed with three children, now adults. Since they've left home, a sassy gray tabby managed to find herself a nice little life in the Rousers' empty nest.


 A great and enjoyable read. Love-able characters. A great story of redemption and wrongs being made right. I enjoyed learning about how aspirin came about, history is always interesting. The interaction between Maggie and Thomas was fun to read as it unfolds from dislike to love. I mean she would have to be a great gal to take on a man with four children who needed a firm hand. Those from our past aren't always what we remember or think they are was a great reminder. I especially loved the baking contest Maggie enters and when the town makes a day to celebrate her accomplishments.

Rating: 5*
I received this book as a gift and all opinions are my own.


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