August 19, 2018

Good Morning!
             Happy Sunday!!
                         How is your August going?

I've been studying in the book of "Nehemiah" and it is such a great book. It is full of so many lessons we can put to use in our lives. One point I love is that in chapter one, after Nehemiah finds out about
his people in Judah, he is consistent in fasting and praying for his people. And he stays committed to prayer, but in the process he waits on God's leading for a solution. You'll read how Nehemiah sends up "quick prayers" in times when he needs direction quickly.

I love this - his quick prayers were successful because he fasted and prayed. He made prayer a priority and not a last resort. He made prayer a priority even when the answer didn't come quick. He exhibited faith and trust in waiting for the Lord. He didn't jump in and try to fix it himself quickly. He was patient and he waited on the Lord's timing and way!!!

Remember that!
    God answers in His perfect timing, His perfect way, and His perfect will!!
    Wait patiently!
    While waiting, continue to do what you do staying aware of how God is working in and around                  you. Be observant!

Have a relaxing day!!

Karen Hadley


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