Good bye June! Hello July!!

I live in the great state of Oklahoma and of course, it is hot here. No amount of complaining is going to change that and that is why I stay indoors for the most part. I do enjoy the cool mornings before the sun shines brightly emitting warmth throughout this great state. It is a bright perk in the morning to sit outside in the coolness and listen to the sound of the neighborhood waking up and the birds singing their sweet songs. I have a little friend I see almost every morning as I sit, sipping my "must have" mug of coffee. A beautiful cardinal perched on my neighbors roof delights me as he sings his song searching for his mate, she soon answers and off he goes. Life so simple. That's what it is! Life Simple! The times in the morning is a reminder to me to look at the day before me and to simply live and live simply! I haven't posted as often as I was and with good reason, I have had some 
major changes to my life and am learning to adjust. My God is right beside me through it all. I'm learning to simply "TRUST HIM"! I don't have to make it harder or more difficult, I just have to trust HIM! Read 2 Chronicles 20 and see how King Jehoshaphat learned to completely trust God. What grabs your attention as you read this chapter?
       Life is really short, I don't want to spend it worrying, being anxious or trying to fix everything. That path wears a person down. It's learning to move from "me" focused to "GOD" focused. He's got it and He doesn't need my help.

live simply,
Karen Hadley


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