January 19, 2017
My Thoughts:
Caryl McAdoo has a new book out “Covering Love.” This is book 8 in The Texas Romance Series. It is packed full of family struggles, journeys and love. You will experience laughter, tears and love. A truly wonderful story.
Karen Hadley
I have been gifted a copy of this book. All opinions are my own. Rating: 5*
I have been gifted a copy of this book. All opinions are my own. Rating: 5*
About the Book

Book: Covering Love
Author: Caryl McAdoo
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: January 26, 2017
Love may cover a multitude of sins, but not knowing all the facts can also get a man killed.
A family calamity gathers the clan, then a dying request tests loyalties and changes lives. New York City’s posh society, living on a rugged Texas hill country ranch, and the isolation of Alaska’s frozen tundra share little commonality and make going from one to another difficult at best. Still, destiny drives Crockett and his sister Charlotte where neither wants to go or thinks they belong. Second and third generations of the Buckmeyer progeny encounter danger, challenges, heartaches, and joys. But then reunions are all the sweeter for it.
This tale continues the breathtaking—and sometimes heartbreaking—family saga of the Buckmeyers, Baylors, and Nightingales that readers around the world have come to love.
About the Author

Guest Post from Caryl McAdoo
Book eight of the TEXAS ROMANCE Family Saga proved difficult to write in the beginning. At my bi-monthly Red River Writers’ Workshop where I read a chapter each meeting, I couldn’t get through one without weeping. This family’s story began in 1832 (book one, Vow Unbroken)—a true-love tale when Henry, a thirty-two year old bachelor living in his mama’s house, and Sue, a twenty-nine year old widow rearing two children find each other.
Fifty years have passed—it’s now 1885—and scripture says it is appointed for every man to die once. Henry is my Ron (my beloved husband), so I could barely get through his demise for his wife’s sake. I’m not giving a lot away. Readers find this out in chapter one of Covering Love. But in a family saga such as this series, characters must pass over into Heaven.
So who’s book is Covering Love? It actually has four love stories! One is sweet budding love, another is Houston’s romance set back in the 1860s, the third is Crockett’s and takes place in Alaska, and the fourth is Charlotte’s. She falls in love in New York City . . . my cover lady who is practically forced to go there and live in May’s brownstone. Well, her older brother wasn’t that happy about going to the frozen tundra of the far North, either.
Henry’s first five children didn’t have the ‘soft’ lives that May’s two offspring experienced. After I made it through the hard beginning, writing Crockett’s and Charlotte’s love stories was great fun! And of course, the old man who’s made appearances in the majority of my novels has his part to play in Covering Love.
Have my readers recognized him? If they’ve not made the connection in prior stories, they will definitely be enlightened in this one. Namrel is his real name, and he’s a delightful cherub who oft visits earth as an angel unaware. He’s also in A Little Lower Than the Angels, volume one in my Biblical Fiction series The Generations, and The King’s Highway, book one in my mid-grade/young adult Days of Dread trilogy.
I truly love how God has given me these multi-genre series and woven common threads through them . . . like the hero and heroine in my second Red River Romance Sing A New Song, have a conversation over the gravestone of the famous Texas Ranger, Levi Baylor, Samuel Levi Baylor’s ancestor. And in the soon coming book four in that contemporary series, The Pitch, readers will meet more descendants of these awesome families God has helped to create.
My slogan is ‘Praying my story gives God glory!’ And that’s what I want every single one to do. My characters are not perfect. They all have flaws and make some poor choices. But it’s in those times of our own lives that God shows up and shows out. Oh how wonderful, how marvelous is our Savior’s love!
Book Excerpt
Crockett tapped on the door. How many times over the years had he knocked on the same one? Better question, how many girls and ladies had called it their own?
“Go away.”
He knuckled it harder. “Come on, Sis. It’s me. Open up.”
She cracked the portal. “Crockett, what are you doing up here?”
“I need a favor.”
“Too bad. The answer is no.” She rubbed her eyes. “I am not lending you any more money, so go back to bed!”
“Let me in.”
The force of the door swung wide and moved her back. “Fine, Brother. Come on in.” She exhaled audibly. “Why can’t we discuss this tomorrow? Why do you always…grrrr…you see, Mother! He’s incorrigible!”
Ma sat on the bed. He smiled. “Sorry, didn’t know I was interrupting you ladies, but if you don’t mind, I need a word in private with Charlotte.”
“If you can’t say whatever it is in front of her, then you don’t need to be saying it at all. Just get out of here. You cannot come into my room and chase Mother out!”
“Fine, if you insist. I need you to go to New York.”
“What for?”
“It’s like this. My partner is a whiz at sniffing out great deals, but he needs someone to keep a firm grip on him. He wants to gallop when he should trot, if you get my drift. If I’m expected to gallivant all over the Northwest, I need someone I can trust in New York, watching over things. You’re it.”
“Son. You’re wanting your sister to take over your business while you’re gone? That’s asking too much.”
Blog Stops
January 17: A Reader’s Brain
January 17: The Power of Words (Spotlight)
January 18: Christian Bookaholic
January 18: Simple Harvest Reads
January 19: Karen Sue Hadley
January 19: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations
January 20: D’S QUILTS & BOOKS
January 21: A Greater Yes
January 22: Moments Dipped in Ink
January 23: Ashley’s Bookshelf
January 24: New Horizon
January 25: Giveaway Lady
January 26: Pause for Tales
January 27: Reading Is My SuperPower
January 28: Bigreadersite
January 29: A Simple Life, really?!
January 30: Neverending Stories
To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away:
GRAND PRIZE: Complete set of the Texas Romance Family Saga series; all eight books, print copies: Vow Unbroken (1832), Hearts Stolen (1839-1844), Hope Reborn (1850-1851), Sins From the Mothers (1851-1853), Daughters of the Heart (1853-1854), Just Kin (1861-1865), At Liberty to Love (1866-1867), and Covering Love (1885)
FIRST PLACE: Firsts of four series: Vow Unbroken (Texas Romance), The Preacher’s Faith (Red River Romance), A Little Lower Than the Angels (The Generations Biblical fiction), and The King’s Highway (Days of Dread)
2 SECOND PLACES: each get: CHOICE of any book in any of Caryl’s series with a surprise.
3 THIRD PLACES: each get: print copy of Vow Unbroken, book one of the Texas Romance Family Saga
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post to earn 9 extra entries in the giveaway!
I have truly enjoyed every book in this series!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE reading Caryl's posts, but I have NEVER had the pleasure of reading any of her books! I would LOVE to win any of them!!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Caryl's posts, but I have NEVER had the pleasure of reading any of her books! I would LOVE to win any of her books!!
ReplyDeleteLoved the excerpt! Karen, thank you for being part of the tour!