July 27, 2016

My Review: "Why, hello dear!" How lovely for you to drop by. Would you care for a spot of tea? Or not?  Carrie Fancett Pagels "Tea Shop Folly" is a lovely and delightful novella. This story blends perfectly introducing new characters with guests invited from "The Christy Lumber Camp" series.  "So, dearie, pin on your hat and stroll right on into this sweet story.
Karen Hadley
The Tea Party
I had a little tea party
This afternoon at three.
'Twas very small-
Three guest in all-
Just I, myself and me.
Myself ate all the sandwiches,
While I drank up the tea;
Twas also I who ate the pie
And passed the cake to me.
~Jessica Nelson North
Almost destitute, Lilly has run out of hope when she inherits her great-aunt’s home -- but it’s not the Tea Shop that a handsome young gentleman thinks it is. Lilly’s inherited house is crammed full of tea cups. Theo, a Soo Locks engineer, visits frequently in the hopes he will find the perfect antique teacup for his mother and is charmed by the lovely 'Shoppe owner.’ Lilly can’t turn the bachelor away when he persistently peruses her aunt’s collection, which she’s trying to pack up and remove from the house. Is the man only interested in the teacups, or in her? When Theo begins referring people to Lilly, and the genuine Tea Shoppe owner sets the police on Lilly for her lack of a business license, sparks fly!  


Carrie Fancett Pagels is a multi-published award-winning author of Christian historical romance. Twenty-five years as a psychologist didn't "cure" her overactive imagination! She resides with her family in the Historic Triangle of Virginia, which is perfect for her love of history. Carrie loves to read, bake, bead, and travel – but not all at the same time!              Visit her on Amazon, Goodreads and Facebook!
      Click on this link to visit Julia Bettencourt's website for a teapot theme:    http://www.juliabettencourt.com/themes/teapottheme.html


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Deanna! I lived writing it and just visited the Soo where the story is set!

  2. I got a chuckle out of the poem!!! Thanks Karen!!!


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